as the intersection
of the old
and the new

Title chapter: “The closest thing to teleportation”: The concept of liveness in the age of connectivity
Author: Ludmila Lupinacci
Keywords: live, liveness, social media, connectivity, platforms
Abstract: This chapter discusses the current state (and the very usefulness) of liveness as a conceptual tool in media and communications research in an environment in which connective platforms are ubiquitous and increasingly powerful. Starting from the understanding of liveness as a context-contingent and continuously evolving term (Couldry, 2004; Auslander, 2008; 2012), and considering the widespread use of the live as a promotional resource by these media institutions and technologies, the article maps the core definitions attributed to the word in the academic sphere, and addresses the potential shortcomings of the available conceptualizations in characterizing the communicative practices that unfold in the present-day culture of connectivity.
Click here to download full chapter [pdf]

Media and
Summer School