Past, future and change.
Contemporary analysis of evolving media scapes.

Title chapter: Analysing How Law Shapes Journalism in Post-Communist Democracies
Author: Nikola Belakova
Keywords: defamation law, journalism, democratisation, media regulation, Central and Eastern Europe
Abstract: Journalism is a key social institution generally considered to be pivotal for successful democratisation of societies. Yet, in Central and Eastern European (CEE) democracies, the media are perceived as failing and lagging behind their Western coun¬terparts. A widely accepted explanation attributes this failure to elites’ use of legislation to thwart criticism in the media. Despite the desirability of research into the operation of law and its inter¬actions with other factors in influencing journalism in CEE democracies, a suitable analytical framework is lacking. This chapter seeks to contribute to efforts to address this lacuna by presenting an analytical framework explaining the operation of legal rules in constraining journalism in the context of democratisation.
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